Monday, March 23, 2009

Discovering STICKERS!

Sydney discovered stickers today and of course stuck them ALL over her body. ha ha. She is so silly!
These Disney stickers came in the mail along with one of those "buy 7 Disney movies for five dollars EACH!!!" but then if you buy the 7 movies they keep sending movies you do not want and make you pay for them. When you try to cancel the subscription you have to spend all day on the phone! So, we just took out the stickers bwhahaha!

The stickem on the back of these stickers was kinda strong :/ so after Syd decided sticker time was over she did not like peeling them off so much!

Plus she was watching Caiou (sp?) [I HATE him with a passion of a thousand suns] Of course Sydney loves him...UGGGH!

anyway, we are going to REI today to spend my Dividend and I am excited! woo!
Love, Christina and Syd

A little nonsense now and then, is relished by the wisest men.
-Willy Wonka


Blogger Aubrey and Lauren Hatch said...

can't wait to babysit you on wednesday, syddo kiddo!

love you girls
(auntie LK)

March 23, 2009 at 8:54 PM  

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